These photos are an example of minimal editing, the two shots placed together show how the original (left) has been edited (right). This was shot for Teresa Weller – Hair Artist of Dorking, Surrey, and shot in the Ranmore Hills late in the day after the salon had closed. The model is Olivia who is a stylist at the salon. I’ve added a different sky to the picture as the original was devoid of colour and interest. Shooting RAW allowed me to recover the detail in the white dress which looks burnt out in the JPEG version. I used a simple gold reflector resting on the grass to reflect some of the fading light back into the model’s face. It was a simple edit but I think effective – sometimes less really is more. Teresa was responsible for the superb styling and hair-art, I just had to press the shutter button.
© 2017-25 Sean Aidan
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